Xiaomi recognizes the importance of environmental protection and is working relentlessly to promote sustainable development.


Climate change not only threatens the global ecosystem and natural environment, but also impacts companies and their operations worldwide. In our view, a corporate citizen shall take relentless efforts to address this environmental challenge. To this end, we actively identify and manage climate change risks while seizing opportunities. This year we have responded to the CDP Climate Change Questionnaire for two consecutive years. In 2021, in accordance with the Recommendations of the TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures), we proactively identified, evaluated and addressed the financial impact of climate change on our business, and officially launched our carbon neutral planning.To learn more about our responses to climate change, please click here.

We have commissioned an independent third-party agency to verify our 2021 greenhouse gas emission data per ISO14064-1:2018. Click here for the certificate.

Select Years


Total GHG Emissions (metric tons CO2e)


Direct GHG Emissions (Scope 1) (metric tons CO2e)


Indirect GHG Emissions (Scope 2) (metric tons CO2e)



Xiaomi strictly abides by the laws and regulations of markets where we operate, and makes continuous efforts to save energy and water, as well as reduce waste across our entire operation area, in order to maximize energy efficiency and reduce pollutant emissions. Every year, we actively identify and evaluate local laws and regulations on environmental protection, energy conservation and waste prevention and control, and continuously refine our internal policies and protocols on environmental management, to guide our operations. In 2021, we have set the following environmental targets for our operations:


The energy consumption per capita of self-operated office parks will be reduced by 5% in 2026, against the 2020 level.


The GHG emissions per capita of our self-operated office parks will be reduced by 4.5% in 2026, against the 2020 level.


Water consumption per capita of self-operated office parks will be no higher than that of 2020 level.


Non-hazardous wastes from self-operated office parks are separately managed by categorization. All hazardous wastes are handled by qualified third-party organizations.


Beijing Xiaomi Science and Technology Park, the headquarters of Xiaomi Corporation, was designed, constructed, and operated according to applicable green building standards. A smart energy management system was installed across the headquarters to control temperature, electricity and lighting. In 2020, Beijing Xiaomi Science and Technology Park was awarded a Green Building Design Label - Two Star Grade Certificate under the Beijing Evaluation Standard for Green Building. In 2021, it was certified Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Platinum®.

Energy & Climate

Energy used in our office parks primarily consists of purchased electricity and heat. By regularly analyzing our energy consumption pattern, we timely switched to energy-saving equipment and optimized our smart energy management system to maximize resource efficiency, and minimize energy consumption in the workplace. In 2021, we have taken various measures across our office parks in areas of temperature control system, lighting system, office building, essential facilities, and renewable energy. By adopting the above measures, we reduced approximately 1,084 metric tons of CO2e in total at our office parks.

Select Years


Total Comprehensive Energy Consumption (MWh)


Direct Energy Consumption (MWh)


Indirect Energy Consumption (MWh)



Across our operations, all domestic water and reclaimed water (if any) are provided by third parties. So far, we face no shortage of water resources. Our key water-saving efforts in 2021 included the installation of a rainwater harvesting system, the control of water pressure, and the optimization of water consumption in sanitary wares. In 2021, we saved approximately 2,000 metric tons of water across our office parks.

Select Years


Total Water Consumption (metric tons)


Running Water Consumption (metric tons)


Reclaimed Water Consumption (metric tons)



Our waste is sorted and collected by qualified third-party organizations for proper disposal. We also put up signs and distribute videos on environmental protection topics to our employees to raise awareness and further reduce waste produced from our daily operations.

Select Years


Main Office Areas in Mainland China

Non-hazardous Waste (metric tons)


Hazardous Waste (metric tons)


Key Performance Indicators - Environmental (intensity by facilities)

Select Years


Office Areas in Mainland China

Total Energy Consumption per Floor Area (MWh/m2)


Total Energy Consumption per Capita (MWh/person)


Total GHG Emissions per Floor Area (metric tons CO2e/m2)


Total GHG Emissions per Capita (metric tons CO2e/person)


Running Water Consumption per Capita (metric tons/person)


Non-hazardous Waste per Capita (metric tons/person)


Hazardous Waste per Capita (metric tons/person)


Select Years


Yizhuang Smart Factory

Total Energy Consumption per Floor Area (MWh/m2)


Total Energy Consumption per Capita (MWh/person)


Total GHG Emissions per Floor Area (metric tons CO2e/m2)


Total GHG Emissions per Capita (metric tons CO2e/person)


Running Water Consumption per Capita (metric tons/person)


Non-hazardous Waste per Capita (metric tons/person)


Hazardous Waste per Capita (metric tons/person)


Select Years


Self-operated Mi Homes in Mainland China

Total Energy per Floor Area (MWh/m2)


Total GHG Emissions per Floor Area (metric tons CO2e/m2)



Xiaomi has provided our users with more than 2,000 types of products. Our products are the best testament to our commitment to practicing low-carbon concept. We are striving to implement a low carbon approach throughout the entire product life cycle — including design, production, packaging, logistics, product use and recovery.

[1]. The Group’s GHG emissions include direct emissions (Scope 1) and indirect emissions (Scope2), covering all offices, Yizhuang Smart Factory, self-operated warehouses, self-operated data center, and direct-operated Mi Homes in mainland China, and overseas offices. Direct GHG emissions (Scope 1) include GHG emissions generated from natural gas and diesel for operations and fugitive emissions from refrigeration, fire suppression equipment and wastewater treatment system. Indirect GHG emissions (Scope 2) include GHG emissions generated from purchased electricity and purchased heat for operations. The preparation and quality control of activity data and selection of emission factors are in accordance with The GHG Protocol: Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard, ISO14064-1:2018 Specification with Guidance at the Organization Level for Quantification and Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals, and applicable national, local and industry standards. Where applicable, direct measurement is preferred source for data activity, and local emission factor is preferred, over the order of regional, industrial, national, and international. The Group’s GHG inventory includes carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). The GHG emissions data for the year ended December 31, 2021 is presented in carbon dioxide equivalent.
[2]. The total comprehensive energy consumption was calculated based on the consumption of purchased electricity, purchased heat, natural gas and diesel, and the conversion factors from General Rules for Calculation of the Comprehensive Energy Consumption (GB/T 2589-2020), a national standard in the People’s Republic of China. Direct energy consumption includes those from natural gas and diesel for corporate operation. Indirect energy consumption includes those from purchased electricity and purchased heat for corporate operation.
[3]. The water used by the Group include running water and reclaimed water from the city water supply.
[4]. All results are based on internal laboratory test results. Actual performance may vary.
We work relentlessly to improve the data quality in completeness, consistency and accuracy. In accordance with the requirements of ISO14064-1:2018 Specification with Guidance at the Organization Level for Quantification and Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals, we made revisions on our 2020 environmental data (energy and GHG). The revisions include additions of data from the Yizhuang Smart Factory, self-operated warehouse, satellite offices in mainland China, and offices in India, as well as operation-related fugitive emissions. Where applicable, we also selected emission factors from local sources over international references for GHG emission calculation for the purpose of higher precision.
Numbers and percentage figures have been subject to rounding. Any discrepancy between the total and the sum of the amounts listed is due to rounding.